To write well, you must write what you know.This is what I know......

Thursday, October 25, 2012


“How much can you actually accomplish in an hour? Run an errand…maybe. Sit in traffic? Get an oil change? When you think about it an hour really isn’t long. 60 minutes. 3600 seconds. That’s it.”—Grey’s Anatomy

In one hour I can shower, dry my hair, put on my make-up, straighten my hair, and get dressed.  There are times when I can get ready in just forty-five minutes if I’ve planned out my outfit.
It takes me one hour to write my blog every week. Sometimes I suffer from writer’s block, sometimes I just cannot think of words…I say it comes with the craft of writing.
        When I went to the gym—I went for exactly one hour….twenty minutes on the treadmill, ten minutes on the elliptical, fifteen minutes of weight lifting, and fifteen minutes of walking to cool down.  In that one hour, I was able to release mounds of tension and stress. I was able to shut out the world and focus on me.
            Life moves too fast. One minute you’re in high school and the next minute, you’re twenty-six years old, sitting home on a Thursday night writing a blog and watching Supernatural. Our society moves at the speed of light, figuratively speaking. There are those of us who watch life fly without taking the time to appreciate it. If people invested more time in themselves, maybe our world wouldn’t be so bad. There is good in this world, but there is also a lot of hurt, anger, and hate.  Maybe if people spent more time on self-reflection there would be less hurt in this world.
I am going to make a goal for 2013 to spend one hour on myself a week. Whether I treat myself to a facial, a massage, a nap, a relaxing bath…I’ve got to start making myself the best person…the person I know I can be.
   Once a month (now), I invest in myself by attending therapy sessions. I had a terrible thing happen to me and I buried it deep down for years—thinking I could just bury it so far down that it would eventually die or be forgotten. The thing with secrets is, somehow, somewhere; they come bursting to the surface like lava. Those “one hour” sessions have shaped me into a better person and began the healing process that I so desperately needed. One hour for me in 2013. I spend my time constantly working, helping others, picking up extra jobs—I do not hate a moment of it—I just can see the stress of it all wearing on me. I’ve always been the person who puts others before me. I have never put myself first. Now, maybe in 2013 I can. It’s not selfish—it’s necessary. I have got to take care of myself.

One hour. 60 minutes. 3600 seconds. Then it all starts again. And it’s nice to know that we get 24 tries in the day to get it right.









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