(Yes, I would like to credit my blog title to the P!nk song from her I'm Not Dead album)
I was
cleaning out my closet the other day and I came across all of my old journals.
I have kept a journal since I was about seven years old, as I have always found
it therapeutic to write. I came across a journal that I kept from age twelve to
age twenty-three.
I read through it for a few
hours and was heart-broken by the girl that I once was. There is so much
anguish in my writing. I was a distraught teenager, just desperately trying to
belong. I know that the thirteen year old me wants to blame my parents. The
thirteen year old me wants to blame all the what nots, maybe’s, broken
promises, and empty hopes. Being a teenager is one of the hardest things we
experience in our lives. The sudden surge of hormones has you laughing one
minute, crying the next, and before you know it you are so angry—you could
scream. Maybe not every teenager felt this way, but I know I certainly did. I
decided to share one of my journal entries from December 1st, 1999.
I know this was supposed to be a “grateful” journal, but now I think I want
it to be a diary. I really haven’t had the time to sit down and write what’s
really going on. So, now I have the chance…and I feel like it needs to be written.
This summer I tried to commit suicide…twice.
I thought it would never happen to me, but it did. I don’t really know why I wanted
to, but it was just mainly because I felt like I wasn’t loved, nobody listened
to me and I felt lonely and desperate. I still have thoughts about it, about
doing it. But, I don’t think God wants me right now. I mean all I have to do is….I
DON’T KNOW!!!!! Another reason was because I was told, I couldn’t be an actress.
If there was a way where I could put myself
up for adoption, I would. You know all my parents do is yell, yell, YELL, YELL,
YELL!!! I HATE IT!!! I wish I could live with Grandma. These past few weeks
Aunt Chrissy asked me what I changed so much and what I was such a…..I can’t
remember what she said.
Anyway, I wish I could move out for a few
weeks away from my parents to find a way to be a better person and a way to
respect them. Or, a way to find out something.
Today, a teacher gave me a really sweet card
about how she “wonders what the future holds for me,” and “how sweet I am in
class.” If only my parents understood how I felt. If they could understand that
I need to I get away. But, I CANNOT runaway. It’s not right. I do not know what
to do.
I sit
here writing, I know that I am meant for something more than just the corporate
job and a cubicle space…I believe I am meant to help others. I believe I am
meant to share my story. I believe I am meant to write. I am a
driven, passionate, hard working person—I will do everything in my power to
accomplish my goals. My life is what it is and was what it was. I am not
defined or know by my past---I just had to go through it to be who I am today….a
beautiful, strong, confident woman who loves endlessly and stops at nothing. I
am moving forward and not holding back. I am who I am. I have a right to be
here. I have nothing to prove.